I don't know about anyone else but I wanted to so bad to trust Castor but something in me kept telling me no. It kept saying "He's shady and the fact that he's an ex-Trag is going to mean something." Apparently, my inner self and I were correct in thinking that.
He shot the pilot so that - what? The Atrians would crash land on Earth? But why? What did they gain except for captivity?
Mrs. Benton:
Well, she's a bold one isn't she? Not only did she just straight up tell Julia that she wanted to do experiments on her, she also threatened her family. It looks as if I was correct in thinking that she's a mad scientist. It's kind of scary how close she is to figuring out how to use Cyper. Not to mention, was anyone else shocked when she pulled Nox's arm out from the dirt like it was nothing?
And what is going on in that lab where she works? It was INSANE the way Mr. Burke - the cukoo assistant - pushed the bodies of those dead Atrians out on that gurney! What was that a freezer? Who are those Atrains? Where did they come from? The Crate?
These two are so cukoo bananas. Am I the only one who thinks so?