Get Star-Crossed Renewed for a 2nd Season!
Make sure you sign this petition as well. I just signed one with over 10,000 signatures and I know there are several more floating around out there. But one more can't hurt!
That finale was bananas!!! Sign the above petition and help bring our show back!!! Come on Stargazers!!! We can do this!!
I have! A few years ago, a bunch of us got together and got Chord Overstreet back on Glee after Season 2. We spent the entire summer signing petitions, making twibbons, posting everything everywhere about bringing him back and he was back by Season # episode 8!
So, I hope this works just as effectively. The finale was amazing and I NEED the continuation like I need air!!!
Get Star-Crossed Renewed for a 2nd Season!
Make sure you sign this petition as well. I just signed one with over 10,000 signatures and I know there are several more floating around out there. But one more can't hurt!
This what I signed on the petition that Annn linked above. Please add you name to this petition to get out show back.
Star-Crossed is such an amazing show. There is nothing like it on tv. There are very few shows on that are not only driven by relationships but also by the underlying plot. This show has so many fans and it was not given a proper chance to survive. The show has so much potential to grow and the fans want to see that happen. A lot of new shows on the CW are slotted behind or in front of top shows, (The 100 behind Arrow, Reign behind The Vampire Diaries, The Originals in front of Supernatural) and the viewers of those shows usually tuned in or stay tuned in and watched the new shows, as was the case with the three shows mentioned above. Star-Crossed was slotted with another new show, when it could have easily slotted with Beauty and the Beast or Hart of Dixie. Not only did it get unfair treatment in that way but it was never shown over during the week. When Supernatural was on hiatus, instead of showing Star-Crossed they aired an episode of The 100, seemingly showing favoritism toward that new show. As a fan of the show I noticed and I'm sure that other fans noticed as well. All we want is for Star-Crossed to be renewed for Season 2 and given a fair chance to succeed. This show has so many fans, I'm positive that if it is properly scheduled and given more than 13 episodes the network will see the ever growing fanbase and true popularity of this show.
I signed the petition at the link above. I hope everyone does. This show deserves the chance.
I firmly believe that we should fight for our show. We need to start a petition or petitions and get our show back! The OTH (One Tree Hill) fandom got their show brought back 3 times with petitions and letters to the network. We can do that too. I've seen on so many sites, people saying they love this show.
There is strength in numbers! I'm trying to start one but I'm stuck; but there should be more than one. Again I say, there is strength is numbers.
Like I said, I'm trying to start one but I'm stuck. So please let me know what I should put in the box labeled "Why should people sign this petition?". I want it to be clear and concise.
If anyone else wants to start a petition to get our show back, check out Petition Site
Thanks! This was really helpful!
I was just wondering if there were any kind of restrictions on what can be added in that section.
Do the fics have to be a certian rating? If so, what? Or can a fic of any rating be added as long as it states that the story is 18+?
Do the fics have to be complete?
Should the description, author, rating and genres be added as well?
If Draylor isn't the only ship in the story, can it still be added to that section?
I was just wondering. There are few really good fanfictions out there that I think could be added to that section but I didn't want to break any kind of rule.
I totally get that you want to find out what happened when you lost time but instead of jumping to conclusions and making assumptions you should do some actually digging and maybe a little fact checking.
Retracing your steps is a great way to remember those things forgotten but when you don't see everything, the next course of action is to not accuse someone of murder but to asked them to be straight up with you because the last thing you do remember is them telling their best friend that they should kill someone. Someone, who as far as you know is a human. (She wasn't, she was super friggin' crazy!)
I don't know. I just think that before he got all in Drake's face and was being all ominous talking about about "I know what you did.", he should have actually tried to find out what happened that night. Ever since his dad, the terrorist, said that he left the party with "the big Atrian" he's been on this whole Drake-did-something-to-me-and-he-must've-killed-Zoe kick. Not fair, especially since he knows Roman was there.
It seems I was right. Grayson was going to do something stupid. Just not about the quasi break-up between he and Emery.
I can't wait to see how everything fits in together. I mean it seems to mee that this level of cukoo bananas has to be working together, even if it's unknowingly.
And Amiee looked awesome as an Atrian! It was so cool!
I don't know about anyone else but I wanted to so bad to trust Castor but something in me kept telling me no. It kept saying "He's shady and the fact that he's an ex-Trag is going to mean something." Apparently, my inner self and I were correct in thinking that.
He shot the pilot so that - what? The Atrians would crash land on Earth? But why? What did they gain except for captivity?
Mrs. Benton:
Well, she's a bold one isn't she? Not only did she just straight up tell Julia that she wanted to do experiments on her, she also threatened her family. It looks as if I was correct in thinking that she's a mad scientist. It's kind of scary how close she is to figuring out how to use Cyper. Not to mention, was anyone else shocked when she pulled Nox's arm out from the dirt like it was nothing?
And what is going on in that lab where she works? It was INSANE the way Mr. Burke - the cukoo assistant - pushed the bodies of those dead Atrians out on that gurney! What was that a freezer? Who are those Atrains? Where did they come from? The Crate?
These two are so cukoo bananas. Am I the only one who thinks so?
Yeah but Grayson's a teenage boy. He's not going to let the fact that Roman has respect for him guide him like he should. I mean IMO if he doesn't do anything but it'll be because of Emery, not Roman.
In my TV watching experience, when people get hammers dropped on them like he did, their feelings for the other people involved stop mattering. That's when the dumb actions take place.
But only time will tell, but I hope I'm wrong.
Does anyone else think that since Grayson saw Roman and Emery together that he's going to do something dumb? I mean people do dumb things when they're hurt; and he was clearly hurt. I just hope it's not something that he'll regret.
They probably should be worried about him glowing and find some more of the plant just in case.
Will he have the same reaction that she did because it was Black Cyper? Or do all Cyper cured human have the same reaction?
Ok, so Mrs. Benton is like some kind of mad scientist? That makes me uneasy.
It also makes me uneasy that she know that's Julia has Cyper in her blood but on the upside, she's no idea how it got there. Now, I just hope this doesn't result in her capturing Julia to do tests and stuff on her.
That's a good option as well.
If is she working undercover with the Red Hawks for the purposes of taking Cyper for medical reasons and such that would explain her interest in wanting to know who that creepy reporter had recorded.
I guess only time will tell, but I hope that she's not too terrible of a villian. I kinda like Mrs. Benton.
Something is definately up with Mrs. Benton. I can only imagine what she's up to but she gives me an icky feeling.
I liked her but her questions about Cyper and wanting to know what that creepy reporter had on that video and who he had recorded seems hinky.
I just hope she doesn't go all cukoo bananas and does try to kidnap Julia or something. But why? Is she sick? Is someone she loves sick?
wonder how her father would feel if he knew she was a Trag? interesting , unless hes a member too.
I hadn't thought if her father was a Trag or not. That is an interesting thought. If he's not I'm almost positive he'd be disappointed that she is one and if he is I'm sure he'd be proud of her for joining the ranks. But that's very interesting.
Am I the only one who finds Zoe annoying? I mean maybe it's not her fault that she's totally cukoo freaking bananas. I feel like Zoe being outside The Sector is driving her loca.
I feel like she's gone a little bit off the Trag handbook. I'm almost positive it doesn't say anywhere in there that it's ok to kill Roman. I for one feel like that would be counterproductive to their plan; especially since they're siting Nox's death as one of there reasons for war. Killing his son, one of the Atrians you're supposedly trying to get revenge for...not the way to go.
Like I understand she's hates the humans because they put her dad in The Crate but again, that's NOT all humans. It's not fair that they're going to destroy everyone because of a few bad apples.
Am I the only one that thinks that maybe she needs to be reigned in? Maybe if Vega found out that she's on the outside playing by her own rules, things would be different.
Is there only one cube or can the cube do more than I realize and it can spread a large amount at a time?
Because it seems like one cube would make it the slowest moving plan ever.