So I just wanted to check with the other admins about some stuff , regarding categories , pages and so on. And I also would like some feedback after my first admin-day :)
Yesterday I worked on some Relationship pages (I started from Teri , since I was editing her). I used Roman & Emery as an example so i added the names of the characters to the categories just like it did on the example. Now I don't know if that's the way we want it , or if it's accessive. Just let me know if this is okay or not
I also made some other pages like the Atrian Spaceship , Emery's House and the Atrian Seven (to name a few). Most of these pages I created keeping in my mind that in the articles where these things come across , people will have it easier to know what is meant , just by clickin on the link (f.e. Atrian Seven is now easy to refer to , instead of listing the names of the characters while talking about "the 7 Atrians chosen to attend high school") They also use this name in the show, so i figured it deserved a page.
I held of of making a page for the town this all takes place in (Herondale/Arendale/Erondale , god knows how to write it) because we don't have much info on it just yet. Emery's house seems to float the same boat, but we've seen pieces of it in Pilot and one of the key events (Emery meeting Roman for the fist time) did happen there. But again , if you feel like this is accessive just let me know. But I don't think it does any harm. :D
Some other maintainance-related questions I had were regarding the lay-outs. I've come across several different layouts for character pages , as well as episode pages. I personally like the lay-out for Emery. 2 suggestions to that matter :
- as far as infobox-image goes , can we keep the most reason promotional picture (the one in the background of the wikia) ,instead of a still/screenshot ? Seems more official and professional that way.
- To avoid 10x the Heading 2 (and an long table of contents) I would suggest to merge Production Crew & information into 1 heading 'Production' and same with cast & recurring cast into 'Cast'.
I think in general there needs to be a layout-example for all pages + an overview of all accepted categories and the appropriate use of them.
Thanks for reading. I'd love to hear your comments on these things. Like I said , just let me know if anything is wrong.