Star-Crossed Wiki
Star-Crossed Wiki


How season 2 was supposed to be

Just because “Star-Crossed” has joined the pantheon of short-lived shows we’ll lament losing and love forever doesn’t mean we can’t find out what would’ve happened next. Although a second season would’ve been ideal, Zap2it has the next best thing: An exclusive interview with creator Meredith Averill detailing everything that would’ve happened in Season 2 and beyond.


If you’re only here for Romery, you can skip to the end. But if you want to find out what happened after the Suvek detonated, what those Atrian warships were doing, who died and more, read on:


Zap2it: The humans aren’t dead, right?  Averill: When you see everyone passed out at the end, it’s just from the reaction to that pulse being sent out. Some of them are knocked out — Emery…

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The One Above All Omnipotence The One Above All Omnipotence 21 January 2016


I had noticed that no one had been editing here anymore, so i was deciding to take over the website, well not really take over, i would be the one who edits it, considering anyone who reads this, i probably might forget about this site, or not...

Untill then, goodbye my friends,and i wish you to have a good day.

10:30 pm,1/202016

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Big Brother 99 Big Brother 99 6 May 2015

Season two

So we all know that there is only one season of the show, but who wants season two to be made for the show and who wants it to be put back on the TV. So what are your points of view in this?

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Atriansonic Atriansonic 7 June 2014

star crossed

Today i made like this info/creative page on star crossed its so cool. I absolutly luv it ! I inculded the intro and the species, places, charaters, the trags, the red hawks, plants, relationships and all about atrians.

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TotallyTinkerbell TotallyTinkerbell 29 May 2014

Show's ending

I just wanted to make a blog post about my feelings towards this show's ending

To begin with, i'll explain why I started watching this show... I'm a CW lover, and sci-fi is my genre. Futuristic not so much, but i'm cool with it. So this show seemed great. I also heared some wikians talk about it so I was like, cool. I added it to the other 20 shows I was watching at that moment.

A few episodes in I got interested in the Atrian culture and I liked that the show was not solely based in a high-school setting, like I had feared.

It was about 7 or 8 episodes in that I started to notice production errors and just the not so great performance as a whole. I'm not saying the actors weren't doing their best, I just think it was a matter of the producer…

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AllisonArgent AllisonArgent 9 May 2014


There will be no season 2 :(

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Annnn Annnn 8 May 2014

Show's Cancelled (OFFICIALLY)

So yeah, it's official, guys! Matt Lanter (Roman) and the rest of the casts just annouced that the show has been officially cancelled! :-((( They thanked their fans for being awesome and being there.. etc.

I'm really mad at The CW for being such a ....... (If only I could curse, haha :-p) Anyways, yeah, The CW just won the award for being the suckest television channel of the year. Congrats! I hate you!

I'm sooooo depressed right now..... ;'-(((

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Annnn Annnn 25 April 2014

Season Finale Soon

So sad.. just 3 more episodes to go and goodbye Star-Crossed! I really REALLY hope they make a 2nd season.. :( I don't want to say goodbye yet... 

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Walrus 8463 Walrus 8463 23 April 2014

Drake and Taylor - An Atrian-Human Pregnancy?

During the promo for next weeks episode, Give Me a Torch, it seems apparent that Taylor is pregnant with Drake's baby. If this is so, it could have implications not only for the on-the-outs couple, but for the all Humans and Atrians. I'm in favor of this storyline because it addresses the concept of a high school pregnancy. Maybe it will also make Drake see what his true priorities are. I think that this will give the show a little more excitement and possibly draw other viewers. Any other thoughts?

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HeyItzJenine HeyItzJenine 22 April 2014


Did anyone else miss the episode last night because of a Mets game that took Star-Crossed's place? It seemed to only be New York and Connecticut, but I'm not sure if any where else couldn't see it either.

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FraryFanForever FraryFanForever 12 April 2014

Roman and Emery (as a couple)

So here is a quick overview of Romery together as a couple.

Roman and Emery appeared to come to an agreement at the end of episode 7 when Emery addmited her feelings for him. It is then shown in the next episode that they have begun a relationship, meeting each other in secret in a supply closet. Throughout the episode they spend time together talking about recent issues and sharing stolen kisses. 

That's all I have so far. I'll keep you updated so stay tuned for more Romery!

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MsMKT86 MsMKT86 1 April 2014

Draylor - It's so ON!

Drake and Tyler are my newest obsession. 

After last night's episode, I am firmly cemented on Team Draylor. He was so patient and sweet with her. It was beautiful.

Then at the end when he lied about what happened to Zoe the Crazy Trag and about his injuries, all  to protect her from ugly truth. That's what makes them an amazing ship. 

I mean, think about it. Drake could have easily told her that Zoe was all kinds of cray and that she tired to kill him and that she died in the explosion but he didn't. He let her keep the memory of the friend she clearly loved. 

In my opinion, Draylor is the best ship on Star-Crossed (followed closely by Romery) and I am so happy that my ship looks like it about to be sailing high on the Seven Seas of Fandom!

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HeyItzJenine HeyItzJenine 1 April 2014


This was by far the best episode! So many ships, a fight scene, explosions; can't get any better than this!

What was your favorite part of this weeks' episode? :)

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HeyItzJenine HeyItzJenine 31 March 2014

Ready for tonight? :D

Who's ready for tonight's episode?!? Everyone put your predictions in the comments before tonight :)

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TotallyTinkerbell TotallyTinkerbell 29 March 2014

Use of categories

Since I have encountered several categories who just do not belong on those pages I will list the use of the categories here. Other admins can edit on this if they have anything to change. When the list is completed we will make sure it becomes part of the policy on this wikia.

  • Gallery : Only to be used on 'Roman/Gallery' pages. This should be the only category used in those pages. Categories like 'season 1' or 'characters' do not apply here. We want the Gallery-categorie to be an overview of simply all galleries.
  • Characters : To be used on a character's page (Roman) , relationships (f.e. Roman and Sophia) and groups of characters (f.e. Atrian Seven)
    • The name of a character as a categorie (f.e. the categorie 'Roman') only applies for all main…
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MsMKT86 MsMKT86 28 March 2014

Dra and Tay

On the last episode there were a few Draylor moments. The one at school with Cray-Cray Zoe we'll skip but the party scenes. OH!

Ok, so first, Taylor looked FLAWLESS in that spicy little red number. Now, to say that they wanted to be on each other would be an understatement. It if hadn't been for Zoe and the whole kidnapping Grayson plan, I'm pretty sure that they would have hooked up again. 

Now with that said, Drake and his new found goal of killing all humans is not thinking things all the way through. ALL humans means ALL humans. That means sweet, precious little babies, old people and Taylor. He likes her. He likes her likes her. He just need to take a step back and look at everything that's going to happen.

Alright, so when Taylor first …

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XXSatansHomicidalManiacXx XXSatansHomicidalManiacXx 25 March 2014

Drake and Roman

What have they gotten themselves into?? (If you have watched the new episode already). I feel that they have just dug their own grave. I feel that there is no turning back since they have now just angered a very important Trag that could decide their fate and Vega was not very fond of Roman in the first place (just because he was snooping in their garden) but if she finds out, I fear what will happen to Roman and Drake. And anyone wondering WHAT HAPPENED TO TERI?? 

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TotallyTinkerbell TotallyTinkerbell 23 March 2014


So I was creating and editing Madison (aka Dora Madison Burge) and I saw after publishing that the intro was in bold. This is a glitch in wikia because in editor it's just regular text. Same goes for her character , Zoe. I had the full character template  but it refuses to show that. I also had written her seaso 1 appearences , but the tabber just vanished , even in edit mode. I'm not happy :(

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Queennicolee Queennicolee 22 March 2014

Who is your favorite character?

Who is your favorite character in Star Crossed? and What is your favorite shipping/pairing? :D

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HeyItzJenine HeyItzJenine 22 March 2014

Thoughts on Grayson?

Grayson is known to be part of the Red Hawks, but he doesn't seem to like them very much. I think that he will end up turning against his parents and the Red Hawks and go with Emery to help the Atrians. What do you guys think of him?

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XXSatansHomicidalManiacXx XXSatansHomicidalManiacXx 22 March 2014

Drake and Teri

Do you think that Drake will actually continue to work with the Trags? I feel that he has hesitated many of times when they tell him that he must take a life. He is a tough guy and says he will do it but when the time comes for him to kill the person or do the dirty deed he seems to hestitate. And Teri??? Is Teri also going to stay with the Trags. I know that Vega (the Trag Leader) is her mother but I feel that she, like Drake, cannot take a life when they really need to. I feel that they don't have the nerves to actually commense with the action unless there is something to be gained or something to be lost (as in a threat). What do you think?? 

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TotallyTinkerbell TotallyTinkerbell 19 March 2014

Ratings & populaity of the show

So up untill yesterday I was really hoping that the show wouldn't get canceled. But then something dawned to me... Teen Wolf will end in 2 weeks , PLL has ended now and that means a lot of competition for SC falls out. Meaning people might just tune in for the heck of being able to watch something :)

So maybe we could have our ratings up again ? Let's be hopefull here and for for 1.25 mln for the next episode :)

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MsMKT86 MsMKT86 18 March 2014

Last night's episode was a huge Ohh yes! moment. Quickly followed by an oh no! moment.

On last night's episode my Draylor heart soared then it deflated slightly. 

So, Draylor in the bathroom! Hot and wonderful and everything my fangirl needed and I was like OH YES! (No, literally. I screamed and jumped up and down in my kitchen.) It was everything you want out of your favorite ship. 

'Ok, so they had a bit of an awkward moment because my baby Drake and Tay were having a communication problem and he splashed water on her face but I figured they would work past that but then she saw him walk out with that girl, whose name I either don't know or can't remember, and Taylor was sad. 'She really likes Drake. It's not just about experimenting. 

Now Drake, Drake, Drake. Poor, sweet, misguided Drake. I understand that you miss your mom …

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HeyItzJenine HeyItzJenine 18 March 2014

New Ship!

Don't read this if you haven't seen last night's episode yet!

Ok so, Lukas goes to make a move on Sophia and Sophia turns him down and makes a gesture toward Taylor. I think it's adorable that Sophia likes girls! I feel kind of bad for Lukas though because he looked heartbroken after she said no. What are all of your opinions on this new Saylor Ship? :)

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HeyItzJenine HeyItzJenine 17 March 2014

Gloria's Phone?

How do you think Roman will wind out about what's on Gloria's phone? :)

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HeyItzJenine HeyItzJenine 15 March 2014

So Many Spoilers!

I have seen soooooo many leaked pictures about Monday's episode! I am a little upset that the new episode was spoiled for me, but it looks like it's going to be a really intense episode! :D

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TotallyTinkerbell TotallyTinkerbell 15 March 2014

TO-DO list

All things that I have come across on this wikia that are left to do... I will update (scratch things) this weekly during the weekend.

  • Page for 'The Trags'
  • Page for 'The Sector' (to be checked with Admins)
  • Picture for Marshall High School (exterior shot)
    • add mascot to trivia
  • Page for 'Homecoming Carnaval' + adding it to MHS-events (to be checked wit Admins)
  • Season 1
  • Infobox for Trags (maybe there should be a new infobox invented. Something like 'Infobox Group' or something ? Because I don't really know what to use..)
  • Add episode stills to all episode-galleries (from 1x01-1x05)
  • Add promo (video) to all episode-pages (1x05-1x07)
  • Check categorie tree & delete unnecessary categories (like the dozen Family-related ones to be found on Roman and Sophia's r…
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MsMKT86 MsMKT86 11 March 2014

Draylor: Is it meant to be?

As an avid shipper and watcher of shows that develop ships for me to fan over, I have to say that the development of Draylor is going swimmingly. It's not often that two character from such different backgrounds are forged together so quickly, save for Roman and Emery. 
But as I said I am an avid show watcher and I am all but too aware that shows have a tendency to tease and tease and tease and me, the shipper ends up empty handed and my fangirl heart broken. 
I have no idea where they are going with Drake/Taylor but from what this hardcore shipper can tell, they are on a collision course for love of the most epic and possibly dangerous kind. 
I think that Drake's devotion to the Trags and Taylor's, well, being human will be a rich and intere…
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TotallyTinkerbell TotallyTinkerbell 10 March 2014

Future predictions for how the characters will develop / plot lines and predictions based on clues /...

Future predictions

Under construction....

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Ccrawford56 Ccrawford56 9 March 2014


What is your favorite thing about the Atrian species?

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HeyItzJenine HeyItzJenine 5 March 2014

Prediction About Julia

Hi. I just wanted to make a quick prediction about what will happen to Julia. Since Teri and Castor said that there might be side effects to the cure of cyper, then that was obviously hinting at what will happen to Julia. I think that in a couple of episodes, the blue veins will come back and possibly expose her to the rest of the humans and the other Atrians. I'm personally hoping this doesn't happen because this would probably get Roman into trouble and none of us want that :)

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TheAuthenticDiaries TheAuthenticDiaries 1 February 2014


Hi Star-Crossed fans! I am going to be your new founder of this wiki! So any question please ask me or MissyQueen. Alison (our founder) has left and its really sad but dont you worry I (Sylvia) will make you feel very welcomed.

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Do you plan on watching Star-Crossed?

It seems like everyone is excited to see Starcrossed, whether to have another glance at the girl who played Anna on TVD (Malese Jow), or simply for the love of science fiction television shows. The question here is, do you plan on watching it on premiere night, or some other time on the CW app? 

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AuthenticDiaries AuthenticDiaries 15 December 2013


We will start a page layout... coming soon....

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AuthenticDiaries AuthenticDiaries 15 December 2013


Make sure to checkout our rules!

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AuthenticDiaries AuthenticDiaries 19 August 2013



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