Star-Crossed Wiki
Star-Crossed Wiki
Episode Songname Artist Scene


Human Christina Perri N/A
Pilot[101] Human Civil Twilight A young Emery gives food & blankets to a young Roman, then tries to teach him cat's cradle.

[101] Break the Walls Fitz & The Tantrums 10 years later, Emery jogs down the street to the hospital as she's passed by emergency vehicles
[101] Stomp Cab 20 The Atrian Seven arrive at the high school amid security and groups of protesters.
[101] Ibuprofen BEACH The Atrians wander the hallways as a group and find their lockers tagged.
[101] Grand Junction Computer Magic Lunch time at the high school; Emery is invited to a party and informed that Grayson is interested in her.
[101] Tessellate Alt-J Emery & Jules wander through the sector looking for Cyper.
[101] Justice Future People At the party, Grayson brings Emery a drink.
[101] Human Civil Twilight Roman & Emery almost kiss before being interrupted by a call from her mom
[101] Aquarius Digital Daggers Roman watches Emery leave Julia's room at the hospital, then gives her the Cyper cure; Nox confronts Weeble about helping Roman leave the Sector and is accidentally shot by security forces. 
These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends


Thunder Clatter Wild Cub Emery's classmates react to the statement she made Atrian 7 at the school board meeting.
[102] Atomic End Portugal. The Man Julia, Emery & Lukas chat about the carnival and watch as the Atrian 7 arrive.
[102] Geri Superhumanoids Emery explains 'Mammoth Rock' to Roman, then they both leave their hand prints on the rock; Roman is asked about Drake's whereabouts.
[102] Always Panama Grayson asks Emery if she's okay; Julia chats with Roman and comes to a realization about how she was cured.
[102] Be The Song Foy Vance Roman's father's funeral.
[102] Dorian Agnes Obel Roman watches as Cyper grows out of his father's body; Emery & Grayson part ways. 
Our Toil Shall Strive to Mend


Set Out With Me Claire Roman dreams of having sex with Teri.
[103] If I Lost You Shiny Toy Guns The students wander around The Sector; Roman tells Julia there's a cure but she needs to take it soon; Sophia volunteers to be interviewed for Emery's video.
[103] Impatience Saturn Missiles Emery comments on Grayson's parents, then tells him they need to get the video uploaded.
[103] Cave Mountain Stream Zomes Drake & Teri refuse to answer Roman's questions; Julia shows Roman that the Vyre worked, then gives him a hug.
[103] Echo NONONO Gloria heads into a secured room in her apartment and is greeted by her son. 
And Left No Friendly Drop


Diamond Lightning Dust Teri drags Roman the pool, where students are watching Sophia do swim lengths.
[104] You Belong Here Leagues Eric complains to Grayson about the school board ruling to allow Sophia on the swim team, them Emery joins them and Grayson tells her they're on a date.
[104] Shaking the Mote Kissaway Trail Sophia and the swim team race together.
[104] Face the Sun James Blunt Grayson & Emery kiss as Roman watches from the Atrian bus; Lukas tells Roman he lost the signal on the phone; Roman apologizes to Sophia for being overprotective and tells her their father would be proud of her; Gloria informs Castor that she destroyed Nox's phone. 
Dreamers Often Lie


My Number Foals While Emery & Grayson wait in line outside a movie theatre, he steps away to take a call from Eric.
[105] Pay No Mind Hanni El Khatib Grayson picks up Eric & his friends, then ends up being pulled over by the police.
[105] White Lies Max Frost The bus with the Atrians arrive in Edendale; Teri convinces Drake to let her smuggle in the Black Cyper device; Taylor decides to befriend Sophia as a way to get to Drake.
[105] Crazy Au Revoir Simone Taylor shows Sophia how to do virtual clothes shopping.
[105] Field of Vision Richard Charnock Drake & Teri arrive at a club to meet with the Trag operative; Taylor gives Sophia a gift as Lukas joins them; Drake mistakenly thinks Taylor is the operative and allows her to lead him in to the bathroom, where they end up making out.
[105] Original Sin Geographer Teri confronts Zoe about her being the operative.
[105] Hold On The Chain Gang of 1974 Lukas compliments Sophia on her dress; Taylor drinks, plays darts, brushes off Sophia's attempt at conversation, then offers Teri swig from her flask.
[105] Evil Things The Black Angels Emery & Grayson check out a biker bar in their search for the Red Hawks that beat up the shop keeper.
[105] Black Belt John Grant Teri & Taylor drink and talk about how they don't need validation from others.
[105] No Time to Waste Political Rivals Emery & Grayson search through the biker bar
[105] Kites Novie Grayson apologizes to Emery for getting her involved in his search for the Red Hawks, then they kiss. 
Stabbed with a White Wench's Black Eye


Where I Really Want to Go Young London Emery listens to music as she jogs through a park, but is interrupted by news of the Sector bombing.
[106] All My Dreams (Electro Fix) Tim Besamusca ft Chrysa T The charity ball starts.
[106] Don't Mind If Quiroga Roman & Drake meet Councilman Montrose and Senator Fatora.
[106] Rise Again (Massivan Remix) Sabo and Zeb ft Mariella Reporter Bandell approaches Emery at the charity ball to remind her she's running out of time; Julia gives Emery a device to erase Bandell's video recorder, then Emery convinces her to find out details of the Red Hawk meeting from Eric.
[106] Lifeboats Soft Swells Taylor arrives at the ball, then snubs Drake. Julia tries to talk Eric into leaving the party with her and leads him into revealing the location of the Red Hawk meeting.
[106] Red Star Musetta Emery tells Grayson she's beginning to realize it does matter who his parents are then rushes off in response to a message from Julia; Zoe gives Grayson a drugged drink.
[106] Fleur Blanche Örsten Bandell tells Miss Benton he has a story about the Atrians that would blow her mind, then is interrupted by Emery dragging him away.
[106] Quiet Lies Matthew Mayfield Roman goes to Emery's house and sees her comforting Grayson. 
To Seek A Foe


Kickers Victory Emery & Julia hang out at the club and talk about her having to stay with Grayson; as they arrive at the club, Drake asks Roman what happened when he went to Emery's house; Julia volunteers to tutor Eric in trigonometry.
[107] Hurricane MS SR Sophia enters Lukas's hospital room just as Roman's about to administer the Black Cyper cure and insists on doing it herself; Miss Benton gets proof that Julia was cured by Cyper; Drake joins Taylor at the club and lies to her about where Zoe went; Emery tells Roman she wants to be with him, then they kiss as Grayson watches from afar. 
An Old Accustom'd Feast


Strange Figurines Black and White Years Emery sneaks off to kiss Roman in the janitor's closet; Roman invites Emery to celebrate Dinaskyu with his family.
[108] Faded Bear Mountain Sophia tells Emery about the traditions of Dinaskyu.
[108] Empty Page Ron Pope Grayson's father tries to convince him to return home
[108] In The Morning Andy Lange In the janitor's closet, Roman tells Emery about his dilemma about Drake. 
Some Consequences Yet Hanging in the Stars


No Way (Co-Pilots Remix) The Naked and Famous Sophia compliments Grayson on an invitation he made for Taylor; Taylor tells Sophia about her meteor party and asks her to invite the rest of the Atrian party.
[109] Beginnings Junip Roman & Emery discuss the flight recorder video from the day of the crash.
[109] W.A.R.R.I.O.R. Ebony Bones Taylor & Drake have sex in the school locker room.
[109] Sensitive New Age Guy John Grant Emery advises Taylor that you can't get close to someone if you're not honest; Grayson asks Taylor if she's heard from Zoe.
[109] Clap (See the Stars) The Myrmidons Emery asks Sophia if Roman is at the party, then confesses that she and Roman are dating.
[109] Dancin' Circles David Audé & David Garcia Taylor's meteor shower party gets into full swing; Sophia misinterprets Taylor's words and kisses her.
[109] Ritual Union (Tensnake Mix) Little Dragon Taylor tells Drake she wants more than sex between them, then Drake tells her how hard it's been having his mother back in his life. 
What Storm Is This That Blows So


Futures Runs Magnetic Battleme As Drake lifts weights, Grayton arrives to ask if Taylor knows he killed Zoe, then demands Drake information in exchange for keeping the information.
[110] Ode to Joy Beethoven Burke whistles while hooking up an unconscious Teri to drain her of blood.
[110] Settling Sun Emi Green Sophia thanks Luke for not reporting their suspicions about the Atrian ship; Taylor asks Sophia if she's worth fighting for, then they kiss.
[110] Walking Blind Aidan Hawken ft Carina Round Roman tells Emery that his actions were due to being drugged with Vatal, then Emery suggests they shouldn't be together.
Give Me a Torch


The Fortunate Ones My Name Is You Emery arrives at school and sees couples everywhere, then accidentally runs into Roman in the hallway.
[111] Another Ride Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds Emery asks Taylor for a private word about Drake.
[111] Movement Ocean City Defender Taylor looks at websites about Atrian pregnancies while Sophia arrives with food and Emery tries to keep Taylor calm.
[111] Galaxies The Happy Hollows Luke asks Emery if Taylor is okay, then insists he attend the Winter Blast with him; Emery asks Eric if he's seen Grayson, then Eric informs her Grayson is back with the Black Hawks; Emery asks Drake what happened to Roman.
[111] Memory Test Ian Ball Grayson tries to convince Emery that his new Red Hawks group is about protecting humans not hating Atrians.
[111] Strangest Thing Instant People Grayson meets with Vartan, who informs him that Emery is pregnant with Roman's child.
[111] Sleeping Beauty Jacq Students dance at the Winter Blast; Julia greets Emery & Luke as they arrive; Eric tells Julia he's leaving to hang out with his buddies; Emery wishes Julia luck for her performance.
[111] Come Alive Chromeo ft Toro Y Moi Taylor apologizes to Sophia for never responding to her invitation to the dance; Grayson asks Emery if she's pregnant.
[111] Kiss You All Over Originally by Exile Julia nervously performs a song at the Winter Blast, then Eric rescues her by joining her on stage.
[111] Wild Child Sherry St. Germain Julia asks Eric why he returned to the dance; Taylor tells Drake she's pregnant.
[111] Faded Ghost Beach Roman tries to reassure Drake that everything will be okay, then suggests he go find Taylor; Emery asks Grayson about his new Red Hawks while they dance. 
This Trick May Chance to Scathe You[112] On Land TV Girl Students work on the Mardi Gras Unity float as the Atrian arrive; Drake & Roman discuss what to do about the suvek.
[112] When the Saints Go Marching In Emery starts driving the parade float as Drake, Grayson & Roman climb on board.
[112] Giants Bear Hands A reporter announces that the first Atiran parade float is emerging; Roman, Drake & Grayson celebrate their success. 
Passion Lends Them Power[113] Do Or Die Hungry Kids of Hungary Students hangout at the cafe; Drake brings Taylor more food as she complains about the changes she's going through due to the pregnancy; Taylor gets a call from Gloria regarding the missing parade float; Eric & Julia share a booth with Sophia & Luke.
[113] Avalanche Zola Jesus Roman tells Emery his path always leads him back to her, then they make love.
[113] Dixie Quarter Toodlum Barker & Emil Lomax Emery & Roman search the parade crowd for Grayson; Roman follows a guy who Roman thinks is his dad.
[113] Stand By Me Ki:Theory Roman, Emery, Drake & Grayson take on Zoe & her Trags in an attempt to shut down the Suvek; the Suvek is deployed. 