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Star-Crossed Wiki
Titus Makin
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Titus Makin Jr.
Honolulu, Hawaii USA
Birth date
June 10, 1989 (age 24)

Titus Makin Jr. is an American actor born in Honolulu Hawaii. He is best known as David in Glee. He portrays Lukas in Star-Crossed.

Personal Life[]

Titus Makin Jr. was born June 10, 1989 in Honolulu, Hawaii to parents Titus and Juliette Makin. Through out his childhood Titus frequently re-located due to his father's military service. The ability of often travel provided Titus to be opened to all forms of entertainment and performance at a young age. He quickly began finding interest in gymnastics and dance, but not until seeing his sister, Natasha Makin, in a school production did he get bitten by the acting bug. Upon graduating from Buena High in Sierra Vista, Arizona he was accepted into The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts (School of Film and Television) two year professional training program. Once graduating he re-located to Los Angeles, California to further pursue his entertainment career. Titus is currently (09/17/11) a re-occuring character on FOX's hit show, Glee and co starring in the new ABC family original movie, "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song." Titus gives all thanks to God and is appreciative for his family, friends, and representation.


Makin always wanted to be an actor at heart. His roles mean alot to him and his fans. Makin has been featured in many hit shows including Glee. He also sings in A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song and also has the role of Mickey O'Malley. Makin landed a main role in the CW series Star-Crossed.


2013 So This Is Christmas

  1. 2013 Buffering
  2. 2013 Star-Crossed
  3. 2012 Castle
  4. 2010-2012 Glee
  5. 2012 Grimm
  6. 2011 Game of Your Life
  7. 2011 The Closer
  8. 2011 A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song
  9. 2011 Victorious
  10. 2010 Taking a Stand
  11. 2009 Celebrity Ghost Stories
  12. 2009 Ticked
  13. 2009 Tran·si·tions


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